
About Merit Escorts

First Class Escorts in Colchester, Sudbury, Braintree, Halstead, Witham & Chelmsford

We provide a top notch escort service and work with escorts who want to work with us. We provide them with security and travel and of course the work itself. We are one big family and that includes our clients.

George Banks

CEO Merit Escorts

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Meeting Locations

How we work

Booking Process

Select Your Escort

Choose from our ever-growing roster

Booking & Confirm

Make discreet booking with our agent

Booking Payment

Make cash payment to escort

Enjoy Your Service

Respect the rules, make payment and book again

Make an Appointment

Book an Escort today!

If you want to book an escort today please ensure the meeting date is at least 24-48 hours away and that you have booked a hotel or can provide a venue.  Our chaperones provide security for the escorts.


Colchester, Sudbury, Braintree, Halstead, Witham & Chelmsford





Work Hours

Everyday 18:00 PM - Midnight